Breaking Free from Toxic Productivity: A Fall Reset

As summer fades and the leaves begin to fall, many of us feel a familiar pull toward getting things done. Even for those out of school, the start of the academic year often sparks the desire to set big goals and jump into new projects. This shift can push us to work harder, but it’s important to think about why we feel this drive.

The Trap of Toxic Productivity

In today’s results-driven world, it’s easy to start linking our value to what we produce. We hear messages like “rise and grind,” “go the extra mile,” and “hustle harder.” This mindset can lead to what’s known as toxic productivity—when our self-worth becomes tied to our accomplishments. Toxic productivity can look different for everyone:

  • A student might overload their schedule with too many activities, losing sleep and hurting their mental health.
  • Young professionals may juggle multiple jobs or side gigs, feeling pressure to “make it.
  • Parents might aim for perfect homes and children while struggling to manage both work and family.
  • Entrepreneurs might work nonstop, neglecting personal relationships and self-care.

Redefining Productivity

It’s important to note that productivity itself isn’t inherently bad. The goal isn’t to abandon all notions of getting things done, but rather to foster a healthier relationship with our achievements and efforts. A healthier relationship with productivity is when someone can align their actions with their values and personal growth. It’s not about crossing items off a never-ending to-do list or comparing ourselves to others. It’s about making real progress toward goals that matter to us.

Reflection Questions

As fall begins, take some time to think about your relationship with productivity. Ask yourself:

  • Do I feel guilty when I’m not being productive?
  • Am I giving up self-care or relationships for work or achievements?
  • Do I struggle to celebrate what I’ve accomplished before moving on to the next goal?
  • Is my self-worth tied to how much I get done?
  • Do I feel pressure to constantly prove my value at work or in life?

Moving Forward

As we settle into the rhythm of fall, think about how you can approach your goals with more care and intention. Celebrate small wins, make time for rest, and remember that true productivity isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing what matters most to you.

Engage with me on Instagram (@aumubera) or Facebook (@aumubera), and share your thoughts on what #HealthyProductivity looks like for you. Let’s build a community that supports each other in finding a balance between productivity and personal well-being. Together, we can redefine what it means to be productive in a way that nourishes both our goals and our well-being.

Ada Umubera, LMSW,  originally published this article in UMOJA Magazine, a respected publication dedicated to reflecting the unique stories, history, and people of our community. To read more great articles, from their publication, please visit


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